Trustee Ward 77
Honorary Trustee:
Anne Fitzgerald
St. Bonaventure
Cardinal Collins Academic Centres

"Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example."
-Donald Mcgannon
"An education in the fullness of humanity should be the defining feature of Catholic schools"
-Pope Francis
"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world"
-Nelson Mandela
“The pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable and interconnected everyone is.
If we do not take care of one another, starting with the least, with those who are most impacted, including creation, we cannot heal the world. #SeasonOfCreation”
(Pope Francis, 09/03/21)
I wholeheartedly believe in providing every generation with the advantages of a well-rounded education within the context of a Catholic school. As a dedicated citizen, wife, mother, and friend, my commitment extends to serving the diverse and vibrant needs of our community with unwavering diligence and integrity. My approach involves thorough study of pertinent issues, leading to common-sense decisions that prioritize the best interests of the students.
Trustees, as the locally elected representatives of the community and its families, bear the responsibility of being the voice of the public and are answerable to the constituents within our Ward. Our role in making decisions as a Board is crucial, as it ensures the success not only of my Ward but also that of the entire School Division. Guided by a commitment to student achievement, we establish policies and set the direction of the Division. As advocates for publicly funded Catholic Education, we emphasize the importance of a faith-filled learning environment.
In order to effectively fulfill our responsibilities, trustees must be thoughtful, principled, and forward-thinking. Collaboration with the Board and Chief Superintendent is integral to our work. As Catholic Trustees, we hold ourselves accountable to both the Minister of Education and the Archbishop, striving to maintain the values and principles that underpin our commitment to quality education within a Catholic framework.

Laura Thibert
Tel: 780-231-6312
If you need more information, have questions, or would like to offer a suggestion, please be in touch. You can contact me via phone, email or by filling out the form. I look forward to hearing from you.